Digital SAT Math Tutoring

Looking for virtual tutoring, via Zoom, for the Digital SAT Math section? You are in the right place!

So you’re having trouble on the SAT Math section? Well, guess what? You’re not alone…

Plenty of students have the same problem – and I have worked with many of them over the years (hundreds, in fact!)

I know the SAT Math content, and I know the test, the question types, the formats, the keywords, the traps, and the shortcuts  – but most importantly, I know how to teach them all.

I can show you:

  • big concepts you need to know
  • keywords so you know what to do
  • shortcuts to bank you some time
  • trap answers to look out for

I will screen share and write out all of my work during sessions on Zoom. As we go through problems together, you will see them solved so you can ask questions in real time.

I will teach the concepts that you need to reinforce the most, and also show you some shortcuts. For example, you can spend a minute or more doing the question the long way … or I can teach you how to do it in 10 seconds using problems from real tests and official question banks from College Board. 

If you can do that for a few questions on the test, you will save precious minutes for tougher questions at the end – and reduce time pressure for the entire test.

After each call with me, you will get:

  • full session notes sent to you to review whenever you want
  • a Zoom recording if requested beforehand

Now, I know that you might be worried about the cost of my services…after all, $200 per hour is steep.

And yes – you could save some money by working through prep material on your own, but … let’s face it, you’re busy.

Between classes, sports, clubs, and being with family or friends, you don’t have time to waste. Luckily, I can get you up to speed on the SAT Math section faster than you could do it on your own.

And the truth is: you might get lucky hiring a fantastic tutor who is still in college, and at $20 per hour, no less.

But to be honest with you, the chances of that are pretty slim. Most likely, they will waste your time.

Most people trying to tutor the SAT Math section have one or more problems. They don’t know: 

  • the material well enough 
  • the test: the question format, pacing, types of questions asked, traps, keywords, hints, tricks, and tactics.
  • how to teach well, even if they are ok on the points above.
  • the shortcuts that will help you save time and reduce anxiety on test day.

I have tutored the SAT Math section with hundreds of students, 1-on-1, for over 5 years. I have taught and tutored math for almost 20 years. I know the Digital SAT, and I have tutored that as well. I even scored 800/800 on a practice math SAT more recently, and 760 when I was your age! 

I have a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Math. I was a Teaching Fellow at Boston College, where I took numerous teaching seminars.

So believe me when I say: I know the underlying material, the test with all of its quirks, and how to teach it. In short: I am well worth the price – and I will not waste your precious time.

Besides, how can you put a price on:

  • Getting into your dream college
  • Getting accepted to more colleges
  • Reducing test anxiety and stress

But I get it – even with all that, you might still be thinking about the dollars.

Ok, fine. Think about this, then:

You work with me for 10 hours at $200 per hour (total cost: $2000). Result: you get a higher SAT Math score, and thus a higher overall score.

As a result, you might get an extra $1,000 (or more!) per year in scholarships for a 4-year degree, meaning an extra $4,000 over 4 years.

So really, you could double your money … or, to put it another way, you would be earning the same $200 per hour that I earn … just for studying SAT Math and improving your score.

Just a guess; I don’t think your summer job or internship is going to pay you $200 per hour! So, just think of it as an investment in your future.

Still not sure about the cost? OK, fine. How about this:

  • If you decide you want to work with me, we will schedule our first call together,
  • If you receive tremendous value from the first session, then you can let me know and I will send you an invoice to pay,
  • but if you decide that it is not worthwhile, you can tell me so, pay nothing, and we can part as friends.

Oh, and one more thing: you are not “tied in” with a contract or anything like that. You can do as many or as few sessions as you want.

Now, I know time can be a factor too. Don’t worry – sessions will be virtual on Zoom, so no need to travel back and forth to a tutoring center. You can schedule afternoons, evenings, or weekends as needed, at your convenience.

You can meet with me once a week, once every 2 weeks, once per month, or daily for last-minute prep if the scheduling works.

Speaking of scheduling…my calendar tends to fill up fast when I open it up for new students, so, if you have any intention of working with me, please use the contact form here ASAP so we can get in touch. That way, I can make sure to find time on my schedule to fit you in.

Once my schedule fills up, there isn’t much I can do – after all, there are only so many hours in a day!

Does all of that sound good? If so, click the button below to get started. I really want you to do well on the SAT Math section and succeed in your academic endeavors.

I would love to help you to level up your Math skills so you can vanquish the SAT Math dragon.

My very best,

Jonathon 🙂