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Expected value (also called mean) is often used in probability and statistics to help describe data sets or to predict outcomes. However, this raises the question of what types of values we can...
Absolute value appears often in algebra, and it is often used to represent distance. This raises the questions of how absolute value relates to negative numbers. So, can absolute value be...
Normal distributions are quite common, and they show up everywhere in statistics and in nature. We are familiar with distributions with positive values (such as height or weight), but what...
Quadratic equations appear all the time in math, and you need to know how to solve them. The quadratic formula is one method that helps you to solve these equations. So, when do you use the...
Quadratic equations appear often in algebra, and they need to be solved! The quadratic formula helps you to do this – but sometimes it is confusing to remember the difference between these...
We can add and subtract matrices, but sometimes we might want to multiply a matrix. This raises the question of if we can square a matrix – and if so, when. So, can you square a...